27 Apr, 2015 | Phoebe Roth

Social issues

Carolina Interview

Name: Carolina
Age: 9

What’s your school called?

It’s called Max Paredes School and it’s really close to here (20 de Octubre)

What’s your favourite subject and why?

Natural sciences, because I love nature and animals!

Do you like school?

Yes, I do.

Who’s your favourite teacher? Why?

My ICT teacher, because I like the lessons and playing on the computer!

Do you play any sports at school or after school?

Yes, for example..running and ball sports in PE class. All of them are during school though, not after.

Do you have any other hobbies?

Erm..listening to music. I like Shakira!

Do you read too?

Yes, I like reading Mafalda (comic books)

What do you want to do when you’re older?

I want to be a vet when I’m older because I’d like to help animals!

Luz Interview

Name: Luz
Age: 14

What’s your school called?

Liceo La Paz

What’s your favourite subject and why?

P.E. because its really active and I like football, basketball and volleyball.

Do you like school? Why?

Yeah I love it! Because that’s where I learn, and I’ve met all my friends there.

Do you have any other hobbies?

Yeah, I listen to music and I like going online to look at pictures of different hairstyles to try out!

What do you want to do after leaving school?

I’d like to be a hairdresser or a chef, I think they’re both cool.

Mario Interview

Name: Mario
Age: 17

What’s your school called?

Cumbre High School

Do you like it? Why?

Yeah, because I’ve got good friends on my course. More than anything because of that.

What subjects do you take?

Languages, maths, physics, chemistry, humanities and a bit of arts

What’s your favourite one?


Do you do any sports?

Yeah, at school I play football, and after school, tennis

Do you have any other hobbies?

Yeah, I play guitar too. Umm.. that’s pretty much it!

What do you want to do after leaving school?

I’m thinking about studying civil engineering straight after school, at university here in La Paz.

PHOTOS: Nick Somers and Phoebe Roth


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